Donata Żelazowska, M.A.

  • Specialization: psychologist
  • Education: Master’s degree in psychology at the Jagiellonian University
  • Clinical experience: Clinical Hospital Józef Babiński in Cracow, Crisis Intervention Centre in Cracow and a special school

Donata Żelazowska, M.Sc., gained clinical experience in a hospital, a Crisis Intervention Center and a special school. This allowed her to acquire skills related to diagnosis, support, counselling and planning effective psychological interventions.

In her work, she is guided primarily by the patient’s well-being, providing them with comfort and a sense of security, which create space for free conversation and joint work to improve the quality of life. She is constantly expanding her competences. She is an empathetic person who listens to people’s stories in order to understand them in the best possible way and to choose effective and patient-specific methods of work and provide them with support. She consults adults and couples.