dr. Marcin Zygmuntowicz
- Specialization: Psychiatrist
- Education: A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She works at the Department of Adult Psychiatry of the University Hospital in Krakow (department of affective disorders).
- Clinical experience: Department of Adult Psychiatry, University Hospital in Krakow
Dr. Marcin Zygmuntowicz is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He is an experienced psychiatrist and a certified CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) therapist. She is a long-time employee of the Department of Adult Psychiatry of the University Hospital in Krakow (department of affective disorders) and a clinical consultant. She works in several specialist addiction therapy centres, regional outpatient clinics and a paraclinical outpatient clinic for affective disorders.
She conducts consultations for children and adults. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders, neuroses, personality disorders, sleep disorders and dementia.
Dr. In his work with patients, Marcin Zygmuntowicz deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of mental disorders, i.e.:
- depression
- bipolar disorder,
- anxiety disorders,
- neuroses,
- schizophrenia and other psychoses,
- mental disorders in patients with somatic diseases,
- mental disorders in the elderly,
- mental disorders in pregnant and perinatal women,
- adjustment disorders associated with crisis situations.